Moving to New Computer for Rheo3000
Rheo3000 2.2:
I. BEFORE you get rid of your old computer:
Backup the database and save the BAK file to a USB drive: Go to Configuration| Options| Database. Make sure the Target folder is set to the folder on the USB drive you wish to backup to. Click “Backup current databases” to create a backup of the System settings and Data.
Note your Activation ID: Go to Help| Activation to open the License Information box. Copy the Activation ID(s) listed after “Reg. Info” to to a text file on the same USB drive folder where you put the backup.
Return your license: On the License Information box, click Yes to open the License Manager. Choose Return, Yes to confirm, Submit to return the license.
II. To install on your new computer:
Download the latest installation: Go to the licensing website (, log in with the Activation ID noted above, and follow the links to download.
Install the software on the new computer;
Start the software, and when asked, activate the software using the Activation ID noted above;
Go to Configuration| Options| Database. To the far right of Rsystem DB, click the yellow button (“Restore System DB”). In the Open dialog, navigate to the System BAK file on the USB drive, and click Open. Click Yes to confirm. The software will restore the System database and close the Options window.
Return to the Options window and follow the same process for the Data database.
Earlier versions of Rheo3000:
Note: These versions use SQL Server 2008. As of July 2019, Microsoft no longer does security updates for SQL Server 2008. Brookfield does not recommend installing these versions on a new computer.
I. Please contact Brookfield to see about ordering an update to the latest version of this software;
II. BEFORE you get rid of the old computer, backup your data to a USB drive;
III. Once you get the email from your update order, follow the “To install on your new computer” instructions above.