Error Adding Trusted Storage License
The “Error Adding Trusted Storage License” error can occur if the license files on the computer become corrupted. These files can become corrupted if communication between the PC and Internet is disrupted during the activation attempt. There are other factors that can lead to these files becoming corrupted, such as the computer not shutting down properly.
The Problem
When starting the software, you may see an error stating “Error Adding Trusted Storage License”. This indicates that something may be corrupt with the license files on the computer. This issue can be solved by deleting the license files and redoing the activation.
Deleting License Files and Redoing Activation
You may need to turn on the “View Hidden Files and Folders” option for the following step in order to see the ProgramData folder.
To delete the license files, go to the “C:\ProgramData\Brookfield Ametek\[Software Name]” folder and delete all files which are just random letters
Do not delete the “Offline Instructions.pdf” and “[Software Name]_Trial_30Day.bin” files (the name for the second file will be dependent on the software you are using)
After these files are deleted, start the software again. It will ask you to activate or start the trial. Activate with the same Activation ID you have already used. This will put a fresh copy of the license files on your computer.